
Empowering Autistic Parents; Nurturing Autistic Children

Autism Ontario
Empowering Autistic parents raising Autistic children is important for the growth and well-being of both parent and child. Parents who learn what being Autistic means for them and their Autistic children are well prepared to support the sensory, communication, social, and learning differences their neurodivergent children may experience






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Maxine Share

Maxine Share is an Autistic writer, self-advocate, and the parent of four adult children including one who is Autistic. She also has four Autistic grandchildren. She has been helping families raising Autistic children for almost 30 years. Most recently, she spent a decade as an autism Community Consultant with Kerry’s Place Autism Services, supporting parents and Autistic individuals to navigate the school system, workplace, and life skills. She provided a variety of autism-related workshops and taught the Autism Spectrum certificate course to parents and professionals.

Maxine ran the agency’s parent support group for a number of years. She wrote and co-presented a session at the Geneva Autism Symposium in 2018, and was member of the provincial Special Education Advisory Committee, wrote and co-presented the very popular full-day workshop called ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You and Teachers Don’t Know’ with her son, Daniel Share-Strom. She has consulted with CAMH to develop a Mindfulness program for Autistic people, and with York University in the development of an online mental health resource for Autistic adults.



Photo Credit : Yan Krukau on Pexels



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