
Rural Collection

AIDE Canada
AIDE and partners have created many toolkits, webinars and infographics covering a wide range of topics from education to housing and beyond specifically for the rural & remote communities, and have curated a list for ease of use, with links and descriptions.

AIDE and partners have created many toolkits, webinars and infographics covering a wide range of topics from education to housing and beyond specifically for the rural & remote communities, and have curated a list for ease of use, with links and descriptions.



Individuals with autism and their families who live in rural and remote communities can face barriers to accessing needed services. However, these communities may also have the potential to form partnerships among community members that offer important support and a “sense of community”.


Many children who live in remote areas do not have the benefit of regular visits from professionals and/or therapists. Support staff may also be hard to find. This webinar will give some practical tips for families who find themselves in this situation


This is the first Module of a six-Module course for individuals in rural and remote areas of northern Canada working with children with special needs. This Module addresses the following:

• Understanding the scope of practice of an individual working with children with autism and other exceptionalities.

• Determining appropriate boundaries in this work, and the importance of confidentiality, and

• Promoting self-care.

Child looking through toy binoculars


This is the second Module of a six-Module course for individuals in rural and remote areas of northern Canada working with children with special needs. This Module addresses the following:

• Stages of typical child development, including brain development,

• Some similarities and differences between autism and other exceptionalities, and

• Some general signs and characteristics of autism spectrum disorder.

Child playing with bubbles


As part of a six-module course for individuals working with, or considering working with, young children with exceptionalities in rural, remote, and Northern communities, this Module will assist learners to;

• Understand processes of care and support,

• Know how to interpret goals in Individual Program Plans, and

• Be able to work towards goals in day-to-day routines.


As part of a six-module course for individuals working with, or considering working with, young children with exceptionalities in rural, remote, and Northern communities, this Module will assist learners to:

• Develop an understanding of the stages of typical speech and language development,

• Be able to explain and utilize a variety of techniques to enhance language skills, and

• Understand emotion words and how to encourage their use with children.


As part of a six-module course for individuals working with, or considering working with, young children with exceptionalities in rural, remote and Northern communities, this Module will assist learners to:

• Have an understanding of the concepts of sensory processing differences and self-regulation,

• Have an understanding of the influence the environment can have on children and their behaviour, and

• Be able to explain and demonstrate a variety of techniques to support children in self-regulating.


As part of a six-module course for individuals working with, or considering working with, young children with exceptionalities in rural, remote, and Northern communities, this Module will assist learners to:

• Describe how attachment and self-esteem relate to guiding children’s behaviour,

• Describe and utilize and apply the “ACT” approach in supporting positive outcomes.

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